Welcome to the PAUKER Club!

My name is Alina Zakrevska, and I am the founder of the Pauker Club

The idea of establishing a German language club and a portal for its learning emerged a long time ago.

The need for video courses that my students could study from anywhere became urgent since the full-scale invasion of Russia into Ukraine.

From a relatively homogeneous community of students who gradually or intensively start learning German from scratch, different groups with various needs have formed.

I can already speak, but I make so many mistakes that Germans switch to English...

I attend classes every day and do homework, but there is no progress!

I used to be silent, and I am still silent, even though I have a B1 certificate...

The entrance exam is approaching, and there is no sign of a B2 certificate!

Does this sound familiar to you?

Traditional classes are giving way to focused courses developed based on years of experience: mine, the teachers in my club, and, of course, hundreds of our students.

Alina Zakrevska
"Pauke" means "timpani" in German

So, why such a name?

In student circles, "pauken" which means "to drum" is used to describe "studying diligently". And the word "PAUKER" means "teacher, master, guru, instructor" ironically, with a smile. Therefore, our little spider will help you learn German diligently, but with a smile.

Pauker Drummer

Our club will offer you:

An examination portal

A place where you can prepare for the most international German language exams.

Video courses

Courses specially designed for you and your requirements.

A shop

Where you can purchase textbooks and various items.

Aktualisierung der Benutzerprofil-Funktionalität

User Profile Functionality Update

Now you can manage subscriptions and set the default site language.

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TestDaF Digital Screiben - 500UAH (13.8EUR/$15)

The Writing part has been added to the DaF exam

The Writing part of the TestDaF Digital exam is now available on our website with a 10% discount!

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Deutsch A1.1

Course A1.1 is now on the website

The first part of the Complete A1 course is now available on the website. The skills you will gain create a solid foundation for further study of the German language.

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Pauker Image

The Lesen part of the TestDaF digital exam is now available in the new section on the website

The practice exam service is open, where you can try the Lesen part of the TestDaF digital exam. Hurry, discounts are available now!

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