Payment methods for services

Through the payment service LiqPay from PrivatBank


  • using VISA or MasterCard cards
  • using the services of PrivatPay, Apple Pay, or Google Pay
  • using the Privat24 service with SMS confirmation or via a QR code
VISAMasterCard24payApple PayGoogle Pay
During the payment of services using the above-mentioned methods, the user is redirected to the payment system website of PrivatBank, Subsequently, all transactions are carried out on the side of LiqPay. We do not receive your payment card numbers, only notifications from the payment system after the transaction.

Directly to the bank account

Please contact us via email at, and we will send you instructions and payment details. After payment, you will receive a code that you need to enter in the "Activation Code" field in the purchase window on the Courses or Exams page.

Course Activation Code