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Bonuses and Referral Program have been launched!

Реферальна програма

After the testing phase, the discount bonus system for club members and the referral program were launched on the website. For ease of understanding, our bonus system is based on club coins called PAU, which essentially act as discounts on services. PAU can be earned as a reward for good learning or for attracting new club members. If you are already a member of our club, you will find a special referral link or invitation code in your profile, which you can use to invite a friend to the club and receive a reward. By using the link or code, you become a participant in the club's referral program and will receive a reward once all program requirements are met. The current referral program offers 250 PAU for the new club member and 250 PAU for the inviter, after the new club member's payments for educational services reach 1000 hryvnias.

The reward can be used as a discount on learning when purchasing courses or exams. More detailed information about PAU and the referral program can be read here.
