Test DaF digital

Practice Training Test - TestDaF digital

In this training with TestDaF digital, you can immerse yourself in the simulation environment of the exam. On our website, you can start from any part of the test or practice only one part. To familiarize yourself with the task types, their execution features, tips, and examples, check out the video course for preparing for TestDaF digital.

Within each part of the test, tasks follow one another sequentially. After the time for completing a task expires, the next task automatically begins.

Click "Begin" - the exam will open in a new window. After completing all tasks, the result will be displayed on the screen, and it can also be found in the profile. We wish you success in preparing for the test!

Overview of the Lesen part

Overview of the Schreiben part

Attention! The program simulates an exam environment, but it is not identical. The tasks are training and similar to the real exam, but they are not TestDaF test center tasks. Assessment is done by experienced specialists, but not by TestDaF examiners. Training results are approximate and do not guarantee that the real exam will correspond to these results. An international certificate is NOT issued based on the results of this training.

For optimal display of the tasks, we recommend working on a Windows PC/laptop with at least 14 inches and a screen resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels. The exam is not suitable for mobile phones.

Test Parts

450.00 UAH.
500.00 UAH.
540.00 UAH.
600.00 UAH.