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The Lesen part of the TestDaF digital exam is now available in the new section on the website

Today we are opening the Exams section with a simulation service for international German language tests and presenting the first example - the Lesen part of the TestDaF digital exam.

Knowing just the language is often not enough to pass an international exam with a decent score and get the corresponding certificate. Especially when you are taking the exam for the first time. You need to understand how the testing is conducted, what tasks will be there, and how much time is allocated for solving the tasks. You can get this information from a preparation course for a specific exam, but is it possible to practice taking the test on your computer at home without the stress typical of real exams? Yes, on our website, training sessions similar to the real exam are already available. We have developed a simulation service for international German language tests where you can experience what you will face in a real exam at an international test center. Some features of this section are experimental. To improve the service, it is important for us to understand what specifically interests you and how best to recreate the exam environment so that after training you feel ready for the real battle for an international certificate.

Test your German knowledge, make sure you meet levels B1-C1! Hurry, discounts are available in honor of the opening of the service.
Daf, B1, B2

Next in our plans is the implementation of the Schreiben, Hören, Sprechen parts of the TestDaF digital exam and the Goethe Zertifikat B1, Goethe Zertifikat B2 exams. Stay tuned for updates.

We must note that due to the specifics of some tasks, the practice exam service does not work on mobile phones and devices with a screen size smaller than 1024x768. Currently, there are some non-critical issues with running exams on iPad, and we are working on fixing them. For full-fledged training, we recommend using a computer with Windows OS, a screen diagonal of at least 14 inches, and a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The best choice would be the latest version of the Chrome internet browser.

UPDATED: You can watch a video with a detailed demonstration of the TestDaF Digital practice exam (Lesen part) in the Blog section on the website.
