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The Writing part has been added to the DaF exam

Now, in addition to the Reading part, you can also try the Writing part of the TestDaF Digital exam. Training is already available on our website with a starting discount of 10%. The Writing part consists of two tasks, each lasting 30 minutes, and the work is checked by an experienced teacher. The checking and commenting take some time, so unlike the Reading part, you will not get the results immediately. After the check, you will receive an email with your grade. Detailed information on each task with examiner comments will also be available in your profile on the website.

Test DaF Digital - Screiben - 600 UAH (13.8 EUR)

Please note that due to the nature of some tasks, the practice exam service does not work on mobile phones and devices with a screen size smaller than 1024x768. For a full training experience, we recommend using a computer with Windows OS, a screen diagonal of at least 14 inches, and a resolution of 1920x1080 pixels. The best choice is the latest version of the Chrome internet browser.

UPDATED: You can watch a video with a detailed demonstration of the TestDaF Digital practice exam (Schreiben part) in the Blog section on the website.
